
Bang Wu

Personal Details  
Name: Bang Wu
Address: Mile End Road, London, UK, E1 4NS
Title: Ph.D. Candidate of IoTLab (
Phone: (44) 07712343271

Research Interests  
Ø  Indoor Positioning and Navigation
Ø  Internet of Things
Ø  Human Activity Recognition (Sensor-based)
Ø  Artificial Intelligent

Education Background  
9/2017 – Now: Ph.D. candidate, Electronic Engineer and Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London.
9/2014 - 6/2016:  Master, School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University
Major: Surveying and Mapping Engineering
9/2010 – 6/2014:  Bachelor, School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University

Ø  Bang Wu, Xianghong Hua, Weining Qiu, et al. Effect of Isomorphic Devices’ RSSI System Deviation to WiFi Positioning and Modification Research. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, 2016: 69-71. DOI: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2016.0051.
Ø  Weixing Xue, Weining Qiu, Xianghong Hua, Bang Wu, et al. Impact Analysis of RSSI Characteristic values On WiFi Indoor Positioning Accuracy. Journal of Geomatics, 2016, 41(4): 23-25. DOI: 10.14188/j.2095-6045.2016.04.005.
Ø  Jianmin Cai, Xianghong Hua, Bang Wu, et al. Design and implementation of control point query management system based on ArcEngine. Engineering of Surveying and Mapping, 2016, 25(1): 51-54, 58.
Ø  Jianmin Cai, Xianghong Hua, Wei Xue, Bang Wu. Research on Systematic Error Model of Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Precision Analysis. Journal of Geomatics, 2016, 41(5): 17-21. DOI: 10.14188/j.2095-6045.2016.05.004.
Ø  Zhang Wei, Hua Xianghong, Yu Kegen, Qiu Weining, Chang Xin, Wu Bang, et al. Radius based domain clustering for WiFi indoor positioning. Sensor Review, 2017, 37(1): 54-60. DOI: 10.1108/SR-06-2016-0102.
Ø  Bang Wu, Ma Z, Poslad S, et al. An efficient wireless access point selection algorithm for location determination based on RSSI interval overlap degree determination[C].Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), 2018. IEEE, 2018: 1-8.
Ø  Bang Wu, Ma Z, Poslad S and Yidong Li. WiFi Fingerprint Based, Indoor, Location-Driven, Activities of Daily Living Recognition[C]. The 5th International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC2018).
Ø  Device-Free Daily Life (ADL) Recognition for Smart Home Healthcare using a low-cost (2D) Lidar. EL BODANESE, Z MA, J BIGHAM, S POSLAD, B WU, X ZHANG. IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globcome2018).

Patent & Software Copyright  
Ø  Wei Zhang, Xianghong Hua, Weining Qiu, Bang Wu, Shaowei Liu. Adaptive AP selection algorithm based on multi-objective optimization. China: ZL 2016 10283599.3. 2017-3-15.
Ø  Bang Wu, Jianmin Cai. The Management System for GPS Control Points. Software Copyright Number: 2014SR179215.
Ø  Bang Wu, Zixiang Ma, Wei Wu. Interval Overlap Degree Based AP Selection for Wifi Fingerprint Positioning. China: submitted number 2018102741849 (under review)
Ø  Zixiang Ma, Bang Wu, Wei Wu. RSSI Ranking based WiFi Indoor Fingerprint Positioning System. China: submitted number 2018102733664 (under review)

Research Experiences  
19 - 19/02/2019      Workshop- "Indoor People Tracking and Activities of Daily Living Recognition Using Smartphones". As the main coordinator of the workshop made a presentation and created the indoor people tracking App.
24 - 27/9/2018        Offsite Indoor Positioning Competition: Track 3. The 9th Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation Conference (IPIN2018).
29-30/8/2018         “Deep learning and IoT Tutorial: an introduction to using Keras for Deep Learning car driver behavior”. One of the main coordinators of the tutorial.
20/2/2018               Workshop-“Can the Internet of Things reshape our understanding of science?”. One of the main coordinators of the workshop,
12/2018 – 5/2018    A research assistant of the project “Scientific Analytics of Green Everyday Internet of Chemistry Things” (SAGE IoCT). Mainly in charge of the development of hardware and software.
9/2017 – Now:         A Ph. D. research candidate in Electronic Engineer and Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London, and a member of IoT lab.   
18 - 21/9/2017         The 8th Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation Conference (IPIN2017).
7/2016 – 8/2017      An Engineer of Guangzhou Urban Planning & Design Survey Research Institute. Participated in many surveying and mapping projects using new technologies like terrestrial laser scanner and unmanned aerial vehicle. A major researcher of the project “Research on key Technologies of Indoor Positioning technologies”
9/2014 – 6/2016       Research on Key Technologies of Seamless Navigation and Positioning for Multi-sensor Information Fusion (supported by NNSF No. 41374011). Acting as one of the main researchers, I took part in the research of indoor positioning technologies (like WiFi) and spatio-temporal registration.
18 - 20/4/2016         The 7th China Satellite Navigation Conference.
10/2015 - 5/2016     Master’s Thesis “Research on the selection of AP technology based on WiFi indoor fingerprint positioning”. Analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of Existing AP selection algorithms. Two improved algorithms were proposed by considering positioning precision, efficiency and adaptability.
6/2014 - 9/2014       Research on quality evaluation model of point cloud data by 3D laser scanning and application (supported by NNSF No. 41174010). Learned registration algorithms of 3D point cloud and developed software for 3D point cloud display based on C++ platform.
10/2013 - 5/2014    Bachelor's Thesis The Technical Research of Spatial Registration of Seamless Positioning System”. Made a trial of Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) in dealing with the spatial registration of INS/GPS by using simulated data, and compares the outcome of UKF with that of EKF.
1 - 4/7/2013            International Symposium on Planetary Sciences, 1st IAPS Scientific Assembly.
3/2012 - 3/2013      Scientific Research Program for Undergraduates of Wuhan University “Moving Target Detection Technology of Moving Scenes”. In order to realize dynamic positioning and tracking of moving targets in sequence images under dynamic scenes, a technical proposal was put forward.

Technical Competencies & Skills  
Ø  Languages: Java, C#, C++, C, Python
Ø  Systems: Windows, Android
Ø  Algorithms: Machine & Deep Learning

Honors and Awards 
Ø  National Encouragement scholarship (2011, 2012)
Ø  The Second prize scholarship (2011, 2012, 2013)
Ø  Yangqi Scholarship(2013), Qinghai Li Scholarship for outstanding students(2015)
Ø  Excellent Student(2011), Title of Merit Student (2012, 2013), Excellent Student Cadre (2013,2015)
Ø  Excellent undergraduate(2014), Excellent postgraduate(2016)

More information you can refer to my LinkedIn homepage.

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