Sunday 18 November 2018

[Technique] Terms Summary

  • NC: [circuit] Not Connect/No Connection. It means this pin doesn't need to connect.
  • GPIO: [circuit] General Purpose Input / Output. Those are programmable data input and output ports
  • ADC: [circuit] Analog to Digital Converter,  is a very useful feature that converts an analog voltage on a pin to a digital number. By converting from the analog world to the digital world. Not every pin on a microcontroller has the ability to do analog to digital conversions. On the Arduino board, for example, these pins have an ‘A’ in front of their label (A0 through A5) to indicate these pins can read analog voltages. reference:
  • DAC: [circuit] Digital to Analog Converter
  • PWM: [circuit] pulse-width modulated. The PWM seems to imply DAC functionality, but it just controls the PWM output with a function called analogWrite()

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