Wednesday 13 March 2019

【toturial】import function of python

There are many ways to import modules or packages.
  1. regular imports
  2. from __ import __
  3. relative imports
  4. optional imports
  5. local imports

regular imports

import single module or package
import sys
import sys as system

import multi-modules or packages
import os, sys, time

import sub module or package
import urllib.error

from __ import __

from is used when you only want to import one part of a module and package
from functools import lru_cache
from os import path, walk, unlink
from os import uname, remove

from os import (path, walk, unlink, uname, 
                remove, rename)
from os import path, walk, unlink, uname, \
                remove, rename
from is used when you want to import all of a module and package
from os import *

relative imports

Case 1: 
Given a file structure like this
we want to import subpackage 1 and subpackage 2 in the top
from . import subpackage1
from . import subpackage2

But it will occur a problem like 
The reason is that this subpackage is not initialized. 
The solution to this problem is to add two commands before using "from . import subpackage1"
import subpackage1
import subpackage2

from . import subpackage1
from . import subpackage2
Then in both subpackage1 and subpackage2, there generates a file directory named __pycache__ for each other. 
Once generating this file, next time you can directly use 
from . import subpackage1
from . import subpackage2

You may notice the file in the directory __pycache__ is __init__.... 
what does that mean?
let's go on and look back later
If we want to import module_x and module_y in under subpackage1 
from . import module_x
from . import module_y
the same problem will occur
Then we use the method described above, as
import module_x
import module_y

from . import module_x
from . import module_y

Then you will find

So that looks like a registration, once appearing in this directory, then you can use them.

Case 2: 
If we want to use my_package as well as its packages and modules inside.
For example, we create a testpackage,
So the way of import my_package is:
import sys
import my_package

from my_package import module_a
Attention, the path should be the upper directory of  my_package

This case is very useful when you use local modules!!

Here is an example to use local modules! (attention: this case is that target module and current runfile are not in the same file directory)
the location of the target module is the initial function of the whole module. if you import seglearn, the __init__ will automatically run.

But I want to use this module named seglearn in a file,

What we should do is to:
1) add a sys path of current target module into system environment: :
import sys
import seglearn

2) add the same thing at any runfile where you directly use seglearn.
import sys
import seglearn

Here, we can know, if we create a module (which should have to initially run all sub-modules), we only need to add following code in the of that module.
import sys
sys.path.append(path): path means the file directory where the defined module is. 
import name_definedmodule

then add the same code in the file you want to import.

Optional imports

It is used when you wish to use a certain module by priority or use a backup when the target module doesn't exist. 
    # For Python 3
    from http.client import responses
except ImportError:  # For Python 2.5-2.7
        from httplib import responses  # NOQA
    except ImportError:  # For Python 2.4
        from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler as _BHRH
        responses = dict([(k, v[0]) for k, v in _BHRH.responses.items()])

    from urlparse import urljoin
    from urllib2 import urlopen
except ImportError:
    # Python 3
    from urllib.parse import urljoin
    from urllib.request import urlopen

Local imports

import sys  # global scope

def square_root(a):
    # This import is into the square_root functions local scope
    import math
    return math.sqrt(a)

def my_pow(base_num, power):
    return math.pow(base_num, power)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(my_pow(2, 3))

circular imports

import b

def a_test():
    print("in a_test")


import a

def b_test():
    print('In test_b"')


Shadowed imports

import math

def square_root(number):
    return math.sqrt(number)


Tips for establishing your own module and package
1. import all you need in This is a good habit for a programmer.

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